Interview Tips for Students
USA Student Visa Sample Questions and Interview Tips
Q: How many universities did you apply for?
Q: Which universities (both admits and rejects) did you apply to?
Q: Which universities accepted you?
Q: Why did you choose a specific university?
Q: Why do you want to study in the USA?
Q: Where did you do your +2 or bachelor’s degree from?
Q: What is your Undergraduate GPA/Percentage?
Q: Can you tell me some details about your university?
Q: Can you mention the names of some professors?
Q: Have you ever been to the U.S.?
Q: How can you prove that you will come back after finishing your studies?
Q: Why do you wish to study in the U.S. and not in India?
Q: Could you please show me your GRE/TOEFL scorecard?
Q: What will you do after completing MS?
Q: What are your plans after graduation?
Q: Do you know anyone (in the USA) or at your university?
Q: What do you plan to study at the university?
Q: What will you do if your visa is rejected?
Q: Will you come back to home during summers?
Q: What will you do after coming back home?
Q: Why do you want to change your major? (If you have changed the field of specialization, e.g., you have bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering and are going for a master’s in computer science).
Q: Why do you think the university is giving a scholarship to you?
Q: Why are you leaving your current job? (If you are currently working).
Q: Can I see your work experience certificate(s)?  (If you are going for higher studies after working for some time) 
Q: Did you receive any scholarships?
Q: Why haven’t you received any scholarship?
Q: Have you received any loans?
Q: Do you have any relatives in the USA?
Q: Who is sponsoring you?
Q: What does your father do?
Q: What is your father’s annual income? Does he pay income tax?
Q: How many brothers and sisters do you have?
Q: Are your parents retired? If yes, how will they pay for your education expenses?
Q: Could you please show me the passbook or bank statements?
Q: Where did your siblings/parents complete their studies?
Q: You have xx brothers and sisters, so if your parents’ savings are for all of them, how will they finance you?
Q: Where do your parents live (if they live in the USA)?
Q: How will you finance your education funds for 2 years or 3 years? (Generally, you have to prove that you can fund the first year of your education, but we suggest that you be prepared with this answer).
Q: What is your specialization?
Q: How will your study in the U.S. be helpful to you in your home country after you come back?